Touchstones and Cornerstones

Seattle Central College Commencement Address by Katie Hinde June 14 th , 2014 photo by Daniel Berman Wow. Thank you President Killpatrick for that kind introduction. Always nice to get to a position where all that gets listed is the highlight reel. Of course it still remains to be seen if this commencement address will live up to the expectations and join that list or be relegated to the blooper reel. When David called me and told me I was this year’s Distinguished Alumni awardee , I was incredibly honored and humbled. It was at Seattle Central that I rediscovered my love of learning and set out on my path. And when I was told the award involved speaking here today I instantly said “ABSOLUTELY!” and then started to get nervous. This is my typical M.O.- absolute certitude followed shortly thereafter by creeping panic. Despite giving lectures to students, scientists, doctors, journalists, parents, and the general public, this is my first foray to the dreaded commencement address. I’ll h...