
Showing posts with the label extended lactation

When to Wean

So many directions to go after that essay title.  My pithy kneejerk response is “whenever the eff makes sense for you and your life, moms!” but then I recall I’ve been trying to cut back on my sailor mouth.  I could quote the World Health Organization recommendations “continue frequent, on-demand breastfeeding until two years of age or beyond” or the American Academy of Pediatrics “for as long as is mutually desired by the mother and baby” or United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) , or the United States Center for Disease Control , or… or… or… or…  Just like the beat , the list of evidence-based public health recommendations goes on. Alternatively I can have my face melted by looking into the Ark of the Covenant that is the comment thread of Barbara King’s NPR post “ What's Right About A 6-Year-Old Who Breast-Feeds ” When Barbara contacted me to provide comments for her thoughtful piece on very prolonged breastfeeding in response to the Mirror’s report on Denise Sumpt...