March Mammal Madness 2018

AND THE CHAMPION IS.... (artwork by Princess Pricklepants ) 2nd seed Ambelodon vs 1st seed Pygmy Hippo: EYEING ME, SPYING ME, ROLL OUT! In the final showdown of the tournament we found our combatants in the Cloud Forest of Colombia (specifically the World Heritage designated Los Katios National Park). The forest habitat felt very at home to the Hippo, although some huffing & puffing due to the altitude. Having mostly coasted through the tournament the hippo was in fine fettle and excited to do a relaxing river float. Amebelodon, a relative of modern-day elephants that went extinct ~5 million years ago known as "shovel-tuskers" for their enlarged lower jaw, had a more grueling journey to the championship. With torn muscle from dancing with Doedicurus and a busted trumpet from the wrangle tangle with Orinoco Crocodile, Amebelodon could not risk any further damage over a a resource widely-available in this particular habitat- water. After a staredown-standoff, Amebelodon amb...