Mother's Milk, Literature Sleuths, and Science Fairies

I am currently polishing a manuscript for submission (hence the obvious necessity of working on a blog post, next I will clean my bathroom tile). Delving deep into the literature to precisely contextualize my results, I despair that I will never be able to read ALL the things. For example, entering two key search terms- ‘lactation’ and ‘glucocorticoids’- returns 24,800 results in Google Scholar . John Medbury (LAZY J Studios) Reading all that is just not going to happen. Merely identifying the most pertinent papers can be challenging. And with every new literature search, I discover articles that I clearly should have read ages ago. Um especially when I was writing this . I had that sinking feeling yesterday as I read a killer review. In the text the authors described an exciting dynamic; high food intake, high cortisol concentrations in mother’s milk, and high activity in kittens covary while low food intake, low cortisol concentrations in mother’s milk, and low acti...