
Showing posts with the label pluripotent

Human Breast Milk Contains PLURIPOTENT Stem Cells!

Last September, during the Bi-Annual Meeting of the International Society for Research in HumanMilk and Lactation occurred in gorgeous Trieste, Italy one could hear a pin drop when Prof. Foteini Hassiotou presented her and colleagues’ ground-breaking work on human stem cells in breastmilk. Most of us are familiar with embryonic stem cell research as potentially revolutionary for regenerative medicine and human health. This is because during embryonic development, all of our adult tissues derive from three initial germ layers - the endoderm, the mesoderm, and the ectoderm. In this way embryonic stem cells are pluripotent , which means that the cells have the potential to develop into any of the ~200 cell types in our body. However, significant controversy surrounds embryonic stem cell research, limiting research effort on this topic. Adult stem cells exist, but they are generally more limited in terms of the types of cells they can become- known as multipotent . Although the presence...