Welcome to Bones, Stones, and Human Evolution: The Start of the Story

Last week was the beginning of our Fall term. Instead of the typical first day of college class, the dreaded and boring Syllabus Day, I decided to finally do something that had been kicking around in the back of my mind for a couple years... I decided to just tell a story. Woodland Grassland (K. Hinde) Welcome to Bones, Stones, and Human Evolution. I am Professor Katie Hinde and I have been studying and researching in this field since 1996. I work in Evolutionary Anthropology and Global Health. You will hear more about me and my work (and the research of our kickass TAs) in the next lecture. But that isn’t the plan for today. Today I am going to tell you a story of humanity. Not “the” story of humanity, because there is no one story of humanity, but a story of humanity. And in doing so, I will tell you a story of Anthropology. I will describe an interrelated set of academic approaches- from paleoanthropology to genetics to primatology to human behavioral ecology to bioarchaeolog...