
Portrait of an Unexpected Twitter Storm

Woooo buddy, it’s been quite the 34 hours. Sunday night I was looking for super hero t-shirts in the “girls” section at a Big Box Store , not finding them, and then unwittingly jumped down a rabbit hole. From the home, to the classroom, to the store, our culture reinforces limitations on children due to their sex/gender. As a scientist who works on inclusivity in academia and science, I spend a lot of time thinking about the pipeline. I am particularly concerned about the scarcity and disparity of science & science fiction oriented toys , clothes , and outreach for girls. A situation that reinforces, and is reinforced by, widespread gender norms. Parents underestimate their daughters interest in science and think science is harder for them- despite no differences in daughter and son interest or performance .   Female teachers anxious about their math ability affect the math abilities of their female students.   And girls are more likely than are boys to think their teacher...

March Mammal Madness 2017

SHORT FACED BEAR is 2017 CHAMPION!!! Who do you want to see in the hunt in 2018?  Tell us here ! and check out the sweet MMM merchandise over at Society6! all proceeds support the artists. Don’t call it a comeback … we’ve been here for years. FIVE years to be exact. And for this 5 th Annual March Mammal Madness we've  dialed it up to 11 and broken the knob off .  In honor of (but in no way affiliated with or representing) NCAA College Basketball March Madness Championship Tournament, Mammals Suck features an annual tournament of *simulated* combat competition among mammals. Scientific literature is cited to substantiate likely outcomes as a probabilistic function of the two species' attributes within the battle environment. Attributes considered in calculating battle outcome include temperament, weaponry, armor, body mass, running speed, fight style, physiology, and motivation. Through the scientific information embedded in the bout descriptions, participants are educated...