Milk at the 2013 AAPA & HBA Meetings

Milk, Lactation, & Weaning Presentations at the American Association of Physical Anthropologists and Human Biology Association Meetings April 10-13, 2013 in Knoxville, TN. primate art by Rob Elliot see all of the awesomeness at Monkey Mondays AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGISTS TALKS FRIDAY AFTERNOON Session 35: LIFE HISTORY, REPRODUCTION & ENERGETICS. Ballroom B. 3:15-3:30 Rethinking lifetime reproductive effort in humans: does early weaning provide the fuel to extend the human lifespan? J.M. BRAGG, B. BOGIN, C.W. KUZAWA. 4:15-4:30 Bioactive factors in macaque milk: Relationships with maternal physiology and infant growth. R. BERNSTEIN, H. DROUGHT, M. WECHSLER, K. HINDE. 5:15-5:30 First molar eruption and life history in living wild chimpanzees. T.M. SMITH, Z. MACHANDA, A. BERNARD, R. DONOVAN, A.M. PAPAKYRIKOS, M.N. MULLER, R. WRANGHAM. Session 36: PRIMATOLOGY: Feeding Ecology, Energy & Nutrition. Ballroom C 4:15-4:30...