photo by Adrianne Gallatin

Mammal March Madness 2013 has now ended, but we will return in 2014 with new features including an EXTINCT mammal division, the tactic of TEAMWORK, & Guest Experts! This year most awesomely, Mammal March Madness was featured in Scientific AmericanSLATEThis View of LifeOn a Quasi Related Note, and Mashable's One Mega Meta-Bracket to Rule Them AllLinks to the 2013 Play-by-Play for each round are below with match outcomes explained by SCIENCE!

Wild Card: Naked Mole Rats vs Titi Monkeys!

First Round: CARNIVORES!
ADVANCING: Tiger, Honey Badger, River Otter, Elephant Seal, Hyena, Lion, Leopard Seal, Polar Bear

First Round: PRIMATES!
ADVANCING: Gorilla, Hanuman Langur, Hamadryas, Anubis Baboon, Gelada, Chimp, Uakari, Orangutan

ADVANCING: Kangaroo, Platypus, Armadillo, Possum, Flying Fox, Warthog, Sloth, Koala, Elephant, Oryx, Tapir, Bison, Moose, Hippo, Elk, and Rhino

Second Round: Carnivores, HP, G-B, Primates!
ADVANCING: Honey Badger, Elephant Seal, Lion, Polar Bear, Armadillo, Kangaroo, Warthog, Sloth, Gorilla, Anubis (injured!), Chimp, Orangutan, Elephant, Bison, Hippo, Rhino

Sweet Sixteen: Carnivores, HP, G-B, Primates!
ADVANCING:  Elephant Seal, Polar Bear, Kangaroo, Warthog, Gorilla, Chimp, Elephant, Hippo

Elite Eight: Carnivores, HP, G-B, Primates!
ADVANCING:  Elephant Seal, Warthog, Gorilla, & Elephant


Final: Elephant vs. Warthog 
(Also awards for #2013MMM announced in the Final storify)

In honor of the NCAA College Basketball March Madness Championship Tournament, Mammals Suck is featuring *simulated* head to head combat competition among mammals. 

photo by Dualhydra

I'll be honest, this is a blatantly swiped concept from Buzzfeed except their competition is about "cuteness". As we in the Comparative Lactation Lab were filling out our Buzzfeed animal brackets we found ourselves asking "what about <enter numerous awesome mammals here>?!?!?" so we ditched theirs and made our own vastly superior version.  

After exhaustive scientific consideration, and lots of "oohing" and "aaahing" over David MacDonald's Encyclopedia of Mammals, we have generated a Mammals Suck March Madness Bracket!

If you are one of my academic friends who has never before filled out an NCAA March Madness Bracket, please see the bracket FAQ at the end of this post.

Organized within the class Mammalia mostly by either Clade or Grade (assuming that "Hodge Podge" consitutes a grade, which it doesn't), we have seeded some heavy hitters, in-it-to-win-its, eyes on the prize, long-shots, dark horses and under-dogs (although no actual Equus or Canis familiaris). And don't think you just get to have fun without any learning. Expect fun facts about the species' ecology, social behavior, evolution, and reproduction.

                                       photo by James Weis. Full photo story is AMAZING

We have a crack team of R virtuosos putting together code to generate match-up outcomes with some random probability upsets and surprise Cinderellas

Battle outcome is a function of the two species' attributes within the battle environment. The battles are one on one meaning that only one individual represents a species against one individual from another speciesAttributes considered in calculating battle outcome are temperament, weaponry, armor, body mass, fight style, and magicSome random error has been introduced into calculating battle outcome & the amount of that error is scaled to the disparity in rankings between combatants

Early rounds, the battle occurs in the better-ranked species' habitat (home court advantage). BUT once we get to the Division finals, battle location will be random: rainforest, savannah, swamplands/deltas, or snowy tundra/mountains.

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