
Milk at the 2013 AAPA & HBA Meetings

Milk, Lactation, & Weaning Presentations at the  American Association of Physical Anthropologists  and  Human Biology Association  Meetings April 10-13, 2013 in Knoxville, TN.   primate art by Rob Elliot see all of the awesomeness at  Monkey Mondays AMERICAN ASSOCIATION  OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGISTS TALKS FRIDAY AFTERNOON Session 35: LIFE HISTORY, REPRODUCTION & ENERGETICS. Ballroom B. 3:15-3:30 Rethinking lifetime reproductive effort in humans: does early weaning provide the fuel to extend the human lifespan? J.M. BRAGG, B. BOGIN, C.W. KUZAWA. 4:15-4:30 Bioactive factors in macaque milk: Relationships with maternal physiology and infant growth. R. BERNSTEIN, H. DROUGHT, M. WECHSLER, K. HINDE. 5:15-5:30 First molar eruption and life history in living wild chimpanzees. T.M. SMITH, Z. MACHANDA, A. BERNARD, R. DONOVAN, A.M. PAPAKYRIKOS, M.N. MULLER, R. WRANGHAM. Session 36: PRIMATOLOGY: Feeding Ecology, Energy & Nutrition. Ballroom C 4:15-4:30...


ELEPHANT WINS !! photo by Adrianne Gallatin Mammal March Madness 2013 has now ended, but we will return in 2014 with new features including an EXTINCT mammal division, the tactic of TEAMWORK, & Guest Experts!  This year most awesomely, Mammal March Madness was featured in  Scientific American ,  SLATE ,  This View of Life ,  On a Quasi Related Note , and Mashable's  One Mega Meta-Bracket to Rule Them All !  L inks to the 2013 P lay - by -Play for each round are below with match outcomes explained by SCIENCE ! Wild Card:  Naked Mole Rats vs Titi Monkeys! First Round:  CARNIVORES! ADVANCING:  Tiger, Honey Badger, River Otter, Elephant Seal, Hyena, Lion, Leopard Seal, Polar Bear First Round:  PRIMA TES! ADVANCING:  Gorilla, Hanuman Langur, Hamadryas, Anubis Baboon, Gelada, Chimp, Uakari, Orangutan First Round:  GRAZERS/BROWSERS & HODGE PODGE ADVANCING: Kangaroo, Platypus, Armadillo, Possum, Flying Fo...